Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Redwood City, California

Redwood City is fortunate to have lower rates of drug overdose death and related issues than other parts of California. Still, some individuals in Redwood City need help with addiction, and there are several options available.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Redwood City, California

Because Redwood City is in an urban area, it is home to quite a few rehab centers. The following two facilities highlight some of the services offered to Redwood City residents who struggle with alcohol and drug abuse.

Traveling For A Rehab Program

Though many people suffering from an addiction would like to stay near home during treatment, this is not always possible. Alcohol and drug rehab facilities offer different services and approaches to recovery, and personal needs vary.

By traveling to another city or state for substance abuse treatment, some individuals are able to find a more relevant treatment program that encourages their success in living substance-free.

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Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Redwood City, California

If a person is unable to find appropriate care in Redwood City, they may benefit from looking into rehab centers in neighboring cities like San Francisco, Palo Alto, and San Mateo.

This gives them more treatment options while still allowing them to enroll in an alcohol and drug rehab program close to home.

Substance Abuse In Redwood City And San Mateo County

Deaths due to drug use are increasing in San Mateo County. However, the following statistics are still lower than the overall average for the state of California and the United States as a whole.

  • San Mateo County saw 8.2 drug-related deaths for every 100,000 people from 2014 to 2016.
  • Drug-related arrests among juveniles in San Mateo County were on the rise in 2010, with almost 300 drug-related arrests occurring that year.

For more information about substance abuse treatment in the California area, contact a treatment specialist at today.

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